The ANV Dobbs Memorial Scholarship is open to Year 13 students from Christchurch Boys' High School, who are going on to university study. Preference is given to students studying economics as part of a Bachelors degree. Extended scholarships are awarded to successful applicants in each year of university study, at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.
This scholarship was established by Mrs Gwendoline Dobbs in 1994 in memory of her late husband and Christchurch Boys' High School Old Boy, Arthur Newman Vickery Dobbs CBE who died in 1988. Mr Dobbs was former Director General of Education. The ANV Dobbs Memorial Scholarship commemorates his lifelong work and interest in education. Public Trust manages the funding for the scholarships.
Application packs are available from Christchurch Boys' High School.
Phone: (03) 348-5003
Fax: (03) 348-8121
Email: [email protected]
Applications close on 31 October each year.