Helen Margaret Robertson was born in 1930 in South Canterbury. She trained as a teacher in Christchurch, eventually becoming a school inspector specialising in science. She married Graham Robertson in the mid-1980s and moved to Levin to retire. By this time Mrs Robertson had developed multiple sclerosis. In 1992 Mrs Robertson established the Helen Graham Charitable Trust, the name being a combination of her own and her husband's first names. Mrs Robertson died in 1998.
The Helen Graham Charitable Trust supports a variety of charitable purposes within the area bordered by the Horowhenua District Council boundaries to the North, East and West, and by the Otaki River to the South. These charitable purposes include...
Education: particular consideration will be given to educational research connected with agriculture.
Medical research
Organisations involved in the research or therapy for the physically disabled. Including accident victims, physically immobilised persons and people disadvantaged by a loss of sight or loss of hearing.
Charitable purposes beneficial to the Horowhenua community.
Applications made to the Helen Graham Charitable Trust may also be considered for funding from the Thomas Bevan Family Charitable Trust which supports religious and charitable purposes of the various churches in the Horowhenua District. The Thomas Bevan Charitable Trust also supports charitable purposes within the Horowhenua District, other than for religious purposes.
Applications cannot be accepted for capital expenditure or from organisations based outside of the specified Horowhenua area. Applications cannot be accepted from schools, individuals, sports organisations or service clubs.
The next grant round will be held in September 2025.
The minimum grant is $1000 and the maximum grant is $5000.
PLEASE NOTE: Scholarship Applications - there is separate webpage for the Scholarships at: https://www.publictrust.co.nz/grants/helen-graham-primary-industries/