The JBS Dudding Trust was established to benefit charitable organisations within New Zealand. The JBS Dudding Trust is open for applications annually during the months of May and June. The John Beresford Swan Dudding Trust is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005, Registration No. CC27320.
The JBS Dudding Trust, has posthumously won the Mayor’s Recognition Award at the inaugural 2023 Rangitikei District Council Community Volunteer Awards. The awards recognise the people who go above and beyond for the Rangitikei district, the volunteers in the community who have contributed significantly to community service, welfare, sport and recreation, culture, arts and education sectors. There were over 20 nominations in 2023 and the late Mr Dudding won the Mayor’s Recognition Award for the significant contributions made to the Rangitikei community by an individual citizen or organisation. As Trustee, Public Trust accepted the award on behalf of the trust which will be retained that the Council and kept in public view as recognition of the legacy that the late Mr Dudding left the Rangitikei region.
View certificate here.
The 2024 Grant Rounds closed on 30 June 2024 and will re-open next year on 1 May 2025.
Applicants will be advised of the outcome by 6 December 2024. (Please note this date is subject to change. Applicants will be notified of any changes to the email address which they submitted on their application). Notifications will be automatically generated via Smarty Grants. Please ensure you have your Smarty Grants access always updated. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure your contact details are up to date on the Smarty Grants portal.
All applications will be considered on their merits. Allocation of funding will be made with adherence to the limited budget that the Trust has available and not all applicants will be funded. The Public Trust, as Trustee makes recommendations and the Advisory Board advise which applications to approve at the Annual Board Meeting. The Trustee’s decision is final, and no further communications will be entertained with unsuccessful applicants, which includes providing them with the reason why they have been unsuccessful, justifying or reconsidering an application.
In order to be eligible to apply applicants must be:
An organisation (registered with Charities Services or an incorporated society) or a school, and
Based in or supporting people within the Rangitikei District.
Individuals, sports organisations and service clubs are not eligible to apply to the Trust.
The Trust does not fund overseas projects.
The Trust has a funding area (as defined by the Rangitikei District Council) which can be viewed on the attached map.
Contestable Grant Round 2025 applications are open 9am 1 May 2025 to organisations registered with Charities Services and Schools that are based in or supporting people within the Rangitikei Region (within the boundaries of the Rangitikei District Council). The application form and process will be accessible on this webpage from 1 May 2025.
Rural Hall Maintenance 2025 applications are open 9am 1 May 2025 to Rural Hall Committee Members involved in the day-to-day management of a ‘Rural Hall’ within the Rangitikei Region. The funding is available for the purposes of providing general maintenance inside or outside the Rural Hall. The application form and process will be accessible on this webpage from 1 May 2025.
Only one application per organisation will be accepted in the annual grant round.
Applications for funding are considered by the Trustee and John Beresford Swan Dudding Advisory Board.
The Trustee’s decision is final.
Decisions regarding grants are made on the basis of information provided in the application forms, supporting material and other enquiries.
Grants may be approved subject to certain conditions. In such circumstances the funds will normally be held by Public Trust until the conditions have been met.
All successful applicants must record the grant in their accounts as “Public Trust – The JBS Dudding Trust".
Successful grant applicants will be required to provide the Trust with information for accountability purposes.
Allocation of funding is made with adherence to the limited budget that the Trust has available. The Public Trust, as Trustee makes recommendations, and the Advisory Board Members provide advice which applications to approve at the Annual Board Meeting. The Trustee’s decision is final, and no further communications will be entertained with unsuccessful applicants, which includes providing them with the reason why they have been unsuccessful, justifying or reconsidering an application.
The JBS Dudding Trust was established in 1963 by local farmer and investor John Beresford Swan Dudding and has been managed by Public Trust since its inception.
John Dudding spent his early years in Marton. At the outset of World War I Mr Dudding enlisted with the NZ Army and went on to serve in the Gallipoli campaign. On his return to New Zealand, wounded and facing rehabilitation, Mr Dudding began farming on one of the small units of the Greystoke Farm Settlement in Tutaenui, near Marton. For 50 years Mr Dudding tenaciously, and with considerable success, maintained and improved that property.
John Dudding married Lorna Marshall, a granddaughter of Major John Marshall of Tutu Totara, Marton. They had no children of their own. It was said that much of John's success and subsequent legacy to the Rangitikei community was helped by the self-sacrificing support of his wife.
In the last 20 years of Mr Dudding's life, while continuing to farm Greystoke, he started investing in the New Zealand stock market. During this time Mr Dudding became one of the largest shareholders in some major companies that were then listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange.
John Dudding died in 1969 aged 74, six years after establishing the JBS Dudding Trust. Having farmed for most of his life, Mr Dudding was aware of the financial challenges caused by fluctuating farm prices. As a result, Mr Dudding knew the hardships that can be experienced by people living in rural areas, as well as the impacts felt in the wider community. Mr Dudding believed that in establishing a charitable trust, with the award of grants to deserving organisations, this would help cushion the Rangitikei people from the vagaries of the economy in rural New Zealand.
If you have any questions please contact Public Trust Charities via email at [email protected] or phone 0800 371 471.
General Grants | Value | |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Manawatu | Operational expenses to support additional matches in the Rangitikei | $5,000 |
Brain Injury Whanganui Inc | Brain Injury Liaison Officer Service | $10,000 |
Bulls Scout and Guide Hall Maintenance Committee (Bulls Air Scouts) | Hall costs and maintenance | $10,000 |
CCS Disability Action Whanganui Incorporated | Disability Support operating costs | $5,000 |
Citizens Advice Bureau Palmerston North Incorporated | Operating expenses - Administrator's salary | $5,000 |
Door of Hope Rangitikei Charitable Trust | Operational expenses to deliver affordable housing | $10,000 |
Freedom to Learn Charitable Trust (Irlen Fund) | Financial support for people to go through the registered Irlen method of intervention & reach their potential | $10,000 |
Hunterville Huntaway Festival | Equipment for race obstacles, shirts for competitors, new tech equipment | $15,000 |
James Cook School | Library Pod extension | $5,000 |
Marton and District Pipe Band and Scottish Society | Administration costs, upgrade &/or maintenance of Scottish Hall & instruments. | $5,000 |
Marton Country Music Festival Incorporated | Hireage costs for the Marton Country Music Festival | $10,000 |
Marton Food Pantry | Provide top-up grocery supplies to financially struggling Rangitikei families | $6,800 |
Mill Street Early Learning - Ruahine Kindergarten Association | Verandah blind project | $16,312 |
Outward Bound Trust of New Zealand | Support for students from Rangitikei to attend Harakeke Schools course | $10,000 |
Papanui Junction School | Community hall exterior paint | $10,100 |
People First New Zealand Inc. - Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi | Operational expenses for People First Rangitikei | $6,000 |
Retired Working Dogs NZ | Printing and postage costs for annual fundraising calendar | $6,504 |
South Makirikiri School | ICT Resources | $10,000 |
Te Runanga o Nga Wairiki Ngati Apa | Create a hub for digital innovation and creativity | $10,000 |
Turakina Caledonian Society Incorporated | 159th Turakina Highland Games | $10,000 |
Turakina Primary School | Window blinds and wall coverings | $11,106 |
Total for category | $186,822 | |
Impact Grants | ||
Arohanui Hospice Service Trust | Health and wellbeing for all Rangitikei families. | $10,000 |
Bulls and District Community Trust | To facilitate One Unforget-A-Bull annual event | $10,000 |
Bulls Toy Library | Wages for one year | $8,000 |
Camp Quality New Zealand | Summer Camp 2024 | $5,000 |
Cancer Society of NZ Whanganui Rangitikei Waimarino Centre Inc. | To cover salary cost for Supportive care coordinator | $10,000 |
Counselling Centre (Marton) Inc | Salary Cost of Counsellors at the Centre | $15,000 |
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand Incorporated | Salary support for Epilepsy Educator covering the Rangitikei region. | $5,000 |
Family Support Services Whanganui Trust t/as Jigsaw Whanganui | Home-based Social Work with Whānau and Families | $20,000 |
Hospice Whanganui | Wages for staff to deliver training in Rangitikei | $5,000 |
Kawhatau Outdoor Education Centre | Modification and work-completion of the old Principals House Block | $5,000 |
Marton & District Historical Society | General Operating Expenses including archives and paid administrator | $10,000 |
Marton & Surrounds ICT Hub Charitable Trust Board | Operating expenses incl Administrator for volunteers and fundraising | $15,000 |
Marton and Districts Budget Service Inc | Staff wages, IRD, ACC, reimbursements and operating expenses | $10,000 |
NZ Spinal Trust | Support salary/general costs to provide peer/whānau support in the community | $5,000 |
Parkinson's New Zealand | Wrap-around Support for People with Parkinson’s in Rangitikei | $5,000 |
Rangitikei District Libraries | Funding towards books and STEAM resources | $35,000 |
Road Safety Education Limited | RYDA Road Safety Programmes for Vulnerable Young Drivers | $5,000 |
Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust | Community Service wage costs for Rangitikei District | $9,464 |
Taihape Community Development Trust | Impact grant for Trust projects and events for Taihape | $10,000 |
Taihape Older and Bolder | Travel expenses for supporting our seniors | $5,000 |
Marton Youth Trust | Youth Worker Salary and Youth Programme Costs | $20,000 |
Wanganui Area Neighbourhood Support Groups Inc | funding for salaries for two part-time staff. | $5,000 |
Total for category | $227,464 | |
Community Grants | ||
Marton Arts and Crafts Centre | Repairs and maintenance of Marton Arts and Crafts Centre’s building | $58,433 |
St David's Church - PCANZ - Taihape/Waimarino/Rangitikei | Upgrade hall heating & insulation. Upgrade multimedia wiring system safety & floor coverings | $50,000 |
Santoft Domain Incorporated Society | Camp site and community building | $175,000 |
Taihape Musicians Club Incorporated | Re-roofing project for preserving Taihape Musicians Club historic building | $93,810 |
Tutaenui Stream Restoration Society Incorporated | Major facilities development and ecological restoration at the Tutaenui Reserve | $50,000 |
Total for category | $427,243 | |
Rural Halls | ||
Makuhou Hall | Painting outside hall, touch up paint to inside of hall. | $11,106 |
Maowhango Settlers Hall | New kitchen for the hall | $20,000 |
Ohingaiti Memorial Hall | Paintwork & maintenance exterior/interior doors & windows & professional spraying to protect the history | $8,000 |
Omatane Hall | Internal repairs & maintenance bathrooms reline, internal painting, fridge | $14,630 |
St Margaret's Hall Taihape | Removal old heaters, replace heatpump, louvre windows, kitchen lino & paint toilets & kitchen | $10,000 |
Taoroa Hall | Operating maintenance, expenses and sliding door | $6,900 |
Whangaehu Community Hall | Install compliant exits & door locks & new back door | $19,500 |
Total for category | $90,136 | |
Grant total for 2023 | $931,665 |
General Grants | ||
Follett Street Kindergarten | Replacement of verandah blinds | $9,000.00 |
Turakina Caledonian Society Inc. | 158th Turakina Highland Games | $5,000.00 |
Taoroa School | Pool cover and replace pump system for community swimming pool | $18,000.00 |
NZ Country Music Community Trust | Equipment hire costs | $6,000.00 |
Turakina Primary School | Library upgrade, improve accessibility and storage of library resources | $8,000.00 |
St Martins Lutheran Church | Church Hall - exterior | $10,000.00 |
Freedom to Learn Charitable Trust (Irlen Fund) | Financial support to families using the service | $15,000.00 |
IHC NZ Inc. | Enriching Lives Project, Rangitīkei, resources for people with intellectual disability apportioned Rangitikei region | $5,000.00 |
Clifton School (Bulls) | ICT equipment | $8,000.00 |
CCS Disability Action Whanganui Inc. | Disability support apportioned Rangitikei region | $5,000.00 |
Samaritans Manawatu Inc. | Operating costs apportioned Rangitikei region | $7,000.00 |
Citizens Advice Bureau Palmerston North | Operating Expenses apportioned Rangitikei region | $5,000.00 |
Marton and District Pipe Band and Scottish Society | Upgrade/ maintenance of Scottish Hall, instruments and uniforms. | $19,000.00 |
Hunterville Consolidated school | 12-seater minivan | $20,000.00 |
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society, Rangitikei Branch | Upgrade Pryces Reserve - tree markers, toilet, picnic tables, etc | $6,427.00 |
Bulls Scout and Guide Hall Maintenance Committee - Bulls Scouts | Expenses and replacing broken chairs | $14,246.00 |
Marton School | Hall seating | $5,000.00 |
People First New Zealand Inc. - Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi | Establishment of Marton People First Group | $5,872.00 |
Hunterville Playcentre | New shade sail project | $8,000.00 |
Alzheimers Whanganui Inc. | Operating & administration expenses apportioned Rangitikei region | $5,000.00 |
Total for category | $184,545.00 |
Impact Grants | ||
Youthline Central North Island Inc. | Youth mental health wellbeing programmes apportioned Rangitikei region | $20,000.00 |
NZ Spinal Trust | Salary / general costs apportioned Rangitikei region | $5,000.00 |
Bulls Toy Library | Wages | $8,000.00 |
Counselling Centre (Marton) Inc. | Salary | $20,000.00 |
Stroke Central NZ Inc. | Wages apportioned Rangitikei region | $5,184.00 |
Arohanui Hospice Service Trust | Health support and care to Rangitikei families | $18,000.00 |
Cancer Society of NZ Whanganui Rangitikei Waimarino Centre Inc. | Salary apportioned Rangitikei region | $18,000.00 |
Bird Rescue Whanganui Manawatu Trust | Salary apportioned Rangitikei region | $10,000.00 |
Manawatu Multiple Sclerosis Society Inc. | Wages apportioned Rangitikei region | $10,000.00 |
Bulls and District Community Trust | Facilitate 3 annual events, monthly newsletter and storage for assets | $8,000.00 |
Presbyterian Support Central (Family Works) | “Focus on Marton for a safer, stronger, more connected community” | $6,000.00 |
Te Kai Whaka Ora - Marton Youth Trust | Operational costs and salary | $30,000.00 |
Wanganui Area Neighbourhood Support Groups Inc | Salary apportioned Rangitikei region | $5,929.00 |
Rangitikei District Libraries | Books, eResources and learning resources | $35,000.00 |
The Royal NZ Foundation of the Blind | Vision rehabilitation services in Rangitikei | $5,000.00 |
Camp Quality NZ | Summer Camp 2023 apportioned Rangitikei region | $5,000.00 |
The Life Flight Trust | Salary apportioned Rangitikei region | $25,000.00 |
Hapai Te Hapori | Youth Coordinator apportioned Rangitikei region | $12,000.00 |
Birthright Wanganui Inc | Single parent family support, including operational expenses | $5,953.00 |
Marton & Surrounds ICT Hub Charitable Trust Board | Operating costs & wages | $16,000.00 |
Marton & Districts Budget Service Inc | Wages operating expenses | $18,000.00 |
Taihape Community Development Trust | Gumboot Day- A&P 2023 | $16,000.00 |
Rangitikei College | Shelters and seating for the Community Sports Multi Sports Turf | $18,000.00 |
Total for category | $320,066.00 |
Community Grants | ||
Friends Of Taihape Charitable Society | Developing final section of walking tracks | $80,000.00 |
St Matthews School Marton | School van and operating costs | $59,000.00 |
Marton Players Inc. | Re-roofing | $55,000.00 |
Marton Junction School | Resurfacing asphalt and cycle/ scooter track | $90,000.00 |
Ngā Wairiki - Ngāti Apa Charitable Trust | Preservation of existing buildings | $50,000.00 |
Total for category | $334,000.00 |
Rural Hall Grants | ||
Omatane Hall | General maintenance and repaint exterior and roof | $12,000.00 |
Wainui Hall | Pressure pump for UV filter system | $2,805.00 |
Whangaehu Community Hall | General maintenance | $12,522.00 |
Taoroa Hall | Hall operating maintenance expenses and deck materials | $4,000.00 |
Total for category | $31,327.00 |
Grand Total
Grand Total | $869,938.00 |
Organisation Name | Project Title | Amount |
General Grants
CCS Disability Action Whanganui Incorporated | Disability support - operating costs | $5,000.00 |
Freedom to Learn Charitable Trust (Irlen Fund) | Making Recovery from Irlen Syndrome Accessible for All' | $12,000.00 |
Alzheimers Whanganui Incorporated |
| $5,000.00 |
Marton and District Pipe Band and Scottish Society | Upgrade & maintenance of Scottish Hall, instruments and uniforms | $9,000.00 |
Mangaweka School | School swimming pool paint job | $5,000.00 |
Nga Tawa Diocesan School | Swimming pool upgrade/improvements/compliance | $5,000.00 |
St David's Presbyterian Church Taihape | Ride on lawn mower replacemen, heat pump for the hall | $5,000.00 |
Brain Injury Association Whanganui Incorporated | Brain Injury Liaison Officer service | $10,000.00 |
Bulls and Districts Historical Society Inc. | Display expenses, cabinets and consumables | $5,268.00 |
Hospice Whanganui | Equipment purchase | $5,000.00 |
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society Inc - Rangitikei Branch | Up-grade McPherson's Reserve; traps, toilet, tree identity markers, picnic table | $10,000.00 |
Marton Contract Bridge Club Incorporated | Equipment - to replace the ageing tables and chairs | $8,000.00 |
IHC New Zealand Incorporated | Enhancing Lives Project', Rangitīkei resources for people with intellectual disability | $5,000.00 |
Bulls Scouts - Scout and Guide Hall Maintenance Committee | Operating costs | $8,000.00 |
Turakina Caledonian Society Inc. | 158th Turakina Highland Games | $6,000.00 |
Rangitikei College | Motor vehicle - purchase 1x van | $10,000.00 |
Marton Arts and Crafts Centre | Utility shed | $7,000.00 |
Age Concern Whanganui | Operating expenses | $8,000.00 |
Total for category | $128,268 |
Impact Grants
Birthright Wanganui Inc. | One Parent Families support including operational expenses | $5,000.00 |
Counselling Centre (Marton) Inc | Salary cost of Counsellors | $15,000.00 |
Kawhatau Outdoor Education Centre Trust | For modification, up-keep and future proofing their asset | $15,000.00 |
Family Support Services Trust t/as Jigsaw Whanganui | Intensive Home-based Social Worker for families in Rangitikei | $25,000.00 |
Camp Quality New Zealand | Making Memories for Kids with Cancer' | $5,000.00 |
Bulls Toy library incorporated | Wages for 3 years | $9,500.00 |
Cancer Society of NZ Whanganui Rangitikei Waimarino Centre Inc. | To cover the cost of salary for Supportive Care Coordinator | $10,000.00 |
South Makirikiri School | School van | $15,000.00 |
Arohanui Hospice Service Trust | Delivering health support and care to Rangitikei families | $10,000.00 |
Te Kai Whaka Ora - Marton Youth Trust | Salaries and operating costs for youth work | $20,000.00 |
National Heart Foundation of New Zealand | Mid Central Nutrition Advisor Salary | $15,000.00 |
Marton & Surrounds ICT Hub Charitable Trust | Operating expenses incl Administrator for volunteers and fundraising | $15,000.00 |
Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind | Vision rehabilitation services in Rangitikei | $8,000.00 |
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand Incorporated | Operating expenses - 5 weeks salary | $5,000.00 |
New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Incorporated | Volunteer programme in Rangitikei, including recruiting, training, reimbursement, and supervision | $5,000.00 |
Samoan Methodist Marton Parish | Purchase a van and upgrade Church House | $30,000.00 |
Hapai Te Hapori | Youth Coordinator, Marton | $15,000.00 |
Wanganui Area Neighbourhood Support Groups Inc |
| $6,000.00 |
Total for category | $228,500 |
Community Grants
Tutaenui Stream Restoration Society Incorporated | Major facilities development and restoration at the Tutaenui Reserve | $75,000.00 |
Marton Development Group Incorporated Society | Development of a play trail in Marton | $70,000.00 |
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Marton | Seismic strengthening, accessibility & refit alterations | $70,000.00 |
Ratana Orakeinui Trust Incorporated | Redevelopment whanau space with playground, basketball court and BBQ area | $100,000.00 |
Opaea Marae Trust | New kitchen and equipment | $57,000.00 |
Total for category | $372,000 |
Hall Grants
Koitiata Community Hall | Front entrance upgrade including disability access | $18,000.00 |
Moawhango Hall | Fund the upgrade of septic system for hall | $20,000.00 |
Ohingaiti Memorial Hall | Heat pumps & curtain rails/blinds | $7,459.00 |
Otairi Community Society Incorporated | Otairi School Hall repaint inside. | $9,541.00 |
Taoroa Hall | Hall operating maintenance expenses and new oven | $2,000.00 |
Whangaehu Community Hall | Resurface hall floor and replace old heaters | $14,230.00 |
Total for category | $71,230 |
Grand Total
Grand Total | $799,998 |
Organisation Name | Amount |
General Grants
CCS Disability Action Whanganui Incorporated | $6,000 |
Turakina Caledonia Society Inc | $7,550 |
Turakina Primary School | $6,521 |
Age Concern Whanganui Inc | $6,000 |
Alzheimers Whanganui | $5,000 |
Marton Junction School | $10,000 |
South Makirikiri School | $10,000 |
Rotary Club of Marton Charitable Trust – Irlen Trust | $10,000 |
Brain Injury Association Whanganui Incorporated | $16,000 |
Wanganui Group Of The Riding For The Disabled Association Incorporated | $8,800 |
Bulls Toy Library Incorporated | $4,918 |
Rangitikei Toy Library | $3,976 |
Camp Quality NZ | $5,000 |
People First New Zealand Inc. - Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi | $3,000 |
Marton Country Music Festival | $5,000 |
Hunterville Huntaway Festival | $15,000 |
Arohanui Hospice Service Trust | $9,780 |
Living hope Church Christian Family. Charity name: Marton Assembly Of God Property Trust Board | $8,000 |
Marton and District Pipe Band and Scottish Society | $5,000 |
NZ Council of Victim Support Groups Incorporated | $5,000 |
Hunterville School | $8,000 |
Total for category | $158,545 |
Impact Grants
Wanganui Area Neighbourhood Support Groups Inc | $5,057 |
Taihape Older & Bolder | $5,000 |
Manawatu Multiple Sclerosis Society t/a MS Central Districts | $10,000 |
Cancer Society of NZ Whanganui Rangitikei Waimarino Centre Inc. | $5,000 |
The Parkinson’s New Zealand Charitable Trust | $5,000 |
Arthritis New Zealand (Kaiponapona Aotearoa | $5,000 |
Marton and Districts Budget Service Inc | $20,000 |
Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand | $5,000 |
Project Marton Incorporated | $10,000 |
St Andrews Presbyterian Church Marton | $40,000 |
Jigsaw Charity name: Family Support Services Whanganui Trust | $15,000 |
Counselling Centre (Marton) Inc | $30,000 |
Cystic Fibrosis Association of NZ | $5,400 |
Bulls and District Community Trust | $10,000 |
Youthline Central North Island Incorporated | $10,000 |
The Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind | $10,000 |
Hospice Whanganui | $10,000 |
NZ Spinal Trust | $12,120 |
Marton & Surrounds ICT Hub Charitable Trust | $10,000 |
Marton School | $5,000 |
New Zealand Plunket Trust | $12,000 |
Taihape Community Development Trust | $13,650 |
SPELD NZ Incorporated | $9,500 |
Rangitikei District Council - Rangitikei District Libraries | $20,000 |
Rangitikei Anglican Parish - Marton Churches Food Pantry | $24,847 |
Total for category | $307,574 |
Community Grants
Marton Development Group Incorporated Society | $50,000 |
Friends of Taihape Charitable Society | $72,702 |
Anglican Diocese of Wellington - Parish of the Rangitikei | $50,000 |
Ratana Orakeinui Trust Inc | $50,000 |
The Order of St John - Taihape Area | $100,000 |
Halls Grants |
St Francis Indoor Bowling Club Hall | $3,895 |
Whangaehu Community Hall | $16,586 |
Taihape Anglican Parish - Anglican Dioceses Wellington | $9,200 |
Total for category | $29,681 |
Grand Total
Grand Total | $818,502 |
Organisation Name | Project Title | Amount |
Age Concern Whanganui | Funding to provide services | $5,000 |
Alzheimers Whanganui Incorporated | Operating & Administration expenses (Volunteer, group costs, advertising, PP&S, Rent, Electricity) | $5,000 |
Anglican Diocese of Wellington - Rangitikei Anglican Parish | Parish property upgrade and development to enchance community services | $129,338 |
Arthritis New Zealand (Kaiponapona Aotearoa) | Delivery of arthritis information and education services for Rangitikei District. | $5,000 |
Birthright Wanganui Inc | One Parent Families support including operational costs | $5,000 |
Brain Injury Association Whanganui Incoprprated | Brain Injury Liaison Officer Service | $15,000 |
Bulls and District Community Trust | Assist with the development and delivery of our annual workplan | $10,000 |
Bulls School | Sports uniforms | $6,000 |
Bulls Scouts and Guide Hall Maintenance Committee | Hall Insurance, Lawn mowing, Cleaning, tables, chairs, Jamboree | $6,200 |
Bulls Toy Library Incorporated | New toys for our new room | $4,360 |
CCS Disability Action Whanganui Incorporated | Disability Support | $5,000 |
Clifton School | Swimming Pool upgrade, repairs, maintenance | $5,100 |
COUNSELLING CENTRE (MARTON) INCORPORATED | Salary Cost of Counsellors | $30,000 |
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand Incorporated | Salary support for field educators | $6,000 |
Hospice Whanganui | Social Worker Wages, supporting Rangitikei terminally ill Patients and families | $10,000 |
Hunterville Bible in Schools | Purchase of teaching material | $2,000 |
Hunterville Sport and Recreation Trust | Required Upgrades of Facility | $106,343 |
jigsaw whanganui | Intensive home-based therapeutic social work | $26,000 |
Koitiata Community Hall | New hall entrance | $14,000 |
Makuhou Hall | Water tank , maintenance to hall, to keep hall warmer inside. | $6,000 |
Manawatu Multiple Sclerosis Society T/A MS Central Districts | Field Worker wages for four months providing support & advocacy. | $3,300 |
Marton and District Historic Society | Insurance. Replacement of Notice Board and Headed Paper. | $1,500 |
Marton and District Pipe Band and Scottish Society | Replacement, upgrade &/or maintenance of uniforms, instruments & the Scottish Hall. | $8,000 |
Marton and Districts Budget Service Inc | Staff Wages, IRD, ACC, reimbursements, and operating expenses | $15,000 |
Marton and Surrounds ICT Hub Charitable Trust | Operating expenses incl Administrator for volunteers and fundraising | $15,000 |
Marton Bowling Club Inc | Upgrade the sprinkler system to ensure a quality playing surface. | $10,000 |
Marton Country Music Festival | Hireage costs for mobile stage setup & Marquees | $5,000 |
Marton Junction Community Preschool | For indoor and outdoor quality learning resources | $5,000 |
Marton Junction School | Security Cameras- installation of comprehensive security cameras. | $11,000 |
Marton RSA Inc | The Boer War Memorial Restoration Project, Marton Park | $10,000 |
Marton School | 10 seater van for the Transportation, Education and Engagement Programme. | $25,000 |
Mental Health & Wellbeing Support | Operating Expenses - printing, mobile phones, motor vehicle costs | $4,000 |
Muscular Dystrophy Association (Tuaatara | Central Region) Incorporated | Funding towards Fieldworker Salary and Service Costs | $5,000 |
New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Incorporated | Rangitikei Volunteer Support Worker Programme Operational Funding | $5,000 |
Nga Iwi O Mokai Patea Services Trust | Operating Expenses - salaries | $35,000 |
Ohingaiti Memorial Hall | Ohingaiti Hall Water Tanks, Spouting renewals and window painting | $5,300 |
Parent to Parent Manawatu | Renew Workshop and a Champion Your Needs Course | $6,000 |
Project Marton Incorporated | Salaries, Operating expenses, Programme Costs | $10,500 |
Rangitikei District Council - Rangitikei District Libraries | Purchasing books, resources, items for "Maker Spaces" in our Libraries. | $33,000 |
Rata Memorial Hall | Painting the exterior of the hall | $5,300 |
Rotary Club of Marton Charitable Trust | Making Recovery from Irlen Syndrome Accessible (for all) | $10,000 |
Royal New Zealand Foundation Of The Blind Incorporated | Towards providing outreach services to clients in Rangitikei | $5,000 |
Ruahine Kindergarten Association - Follett Street Kindergarten | Furniture for the Kindergarten -tables, desk, chairs, play furniture | $9,000 |
Ruahine Kindergarten Association Inc | Science resources and water tanks | $5,000 |
St Andrews Presbyterian Church | Assistance with purchasing heaters for church and church hall. | $8,000 |
St Andrews Presbyterian Church Marton | Salary and operating expenses for youth work | $50,000 |
Taihape Heritage Trust | Operating Expenses - Salary of Manager | $10,000 |
Taihape Older and Bolder Inc | For Travel expenses - hire of vans and driver. | $5,000 |
The Motor Neurone Disease Association of New Zealand (Incorporated) | Contribution towards our Support Team worker in the Rangitikei district. | $5,000 |
The Order of St John Taihape Area Committee | New Ambulance Station | $83,704 |
The Parkinson's New Zealand Charitable Trust - Wanganui | To provide our Parkinson's Community Educator Service in the Rangitikei | $8,000 |
Turakina Primary School | Digital Technology for Education, iPads | $5,560 |
Tutaenui Hall | Maintenance | $10,500 |
Wanganui Area Neighbourhood Support Groups Inc | Projects and part funding of salaries of 2 part-time staff | $4,376 |
Whangaehu Community Hall | Replacing roofing iron. | $16,200 |
Whangaehu School | Development of a cycle track | $5,000 |
Youthline Central North Island Incorporated | Youth Mental Health Well-being Programmes, Facilitator & Counselling Chat Van Costs | $30,000 |
Grand Total
Grand Total | $889,581 |
Organisation Name | Project Name | Amount |
1st Marton Scouts Group | A marquee for scouting events. | $8,500 |
Age Concern Wanganui | Provision of services to elderly in the Rangitikei | $5,000 |
Alzheimers Whanganui Incorporated | Operating Expenses | $2,000 |
Anglican Diocese of Wellington - Parish of the Rangitikei | Parish Property Upgrade and Future-Proofing | $70,000 |
Arohanui Hospice Service Trust | Equipment - sub cut pump | $2,445 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Manawatu | To assist with expanding the program within Bulls | $8,000 |
Brain Injury Association Whanganui Incorporated | Liaison Officer Service | $10,000 |
Bulls and District Community Trust | Funds to further the Development and Delivery of 2018/19 Workplan | $11,246 |
Bulls and District Friendship Club Inc | Bulls Freindship Club Operating Expenses | $2,000 |
Bulls and Districts Historical Society Inc | Budget of Operating Expenses 1st July 2018 - 30th June | $5,500 |
Bulls School | Cultural responsiveness | $4,000 |
Bulls Toy Library Incorporated | Heater and cooler fan | $602 |
CCS Disability Action Whanganui Incorporated | Disability support | $2,500 |
Counselling Centre Marton Incorporated | Salary Cost of Counsellors | $10,000 |
Diabetes New Zealand (Incorporated) - Wanganui Branch | Lifestyle Change - Your life, Your journey Program | $4,215 |
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand Incorporated | Epilepsy Field Services Programme | $2,800 |
Family Support Services Whanganui Trust t/as jigsaw whanganui | Intensive Home-Based Social Work | $20,000 |
Hospice Whanganui | Social Worker Expenses/wages - supporting Rangitikei Patients and Family Members | $5,000 |
Hunterville Bible in Schools | Purchase of teaching material | $2,000 |
Huntley School Board of Trustees | Upgrade to the Huntley School pool area | $5,000 |
Life Education Trust Wanganui and Districts | Contribution towards educators salary | $4,770 |
Louise Perkins Foundation t/a Sweet Louise | Service vouchers for members | $4,000 |
Manawatu Multiple Sclerosis Society Incorporated | Field Worker Wages for two months | $5,000 |
Marton & Surrounds ICT Hub Charitable Trust | Operating Expenses - Administrator for volunteers & fundraising & new CIH | $10,000 |
Marton and District Historical Society | The request is for our Annual Insurance Premium | $1,555 |
Marton and Districts Budget Service Inc | Coordinators wages, IRD, ACC, reimbursements and operating expenses | $20,000 |
Marton School | Sunsmart, Shady and Safe Spaces | $4,500 |
New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Inc. (For Victims Support Horowhenua/Manuwatu/Rangiteiki) | Volunteer Support Worker Programme | $3,500 |
NZ Cancer Society Wanganui/Rangitikei/Waimarino Centre | Stationary - Bulk envelopes; Printing - supportive care | $4,000 |
Ohingaiti School Bus Society Incoporated | To upgrade our current bus. | $20,000 |
Otairi Community Society Incorporated | New Kitchen | $7,080 |
Otiwhiti Station Land Based Training Limited | Windows on Otiwhiti | $29,760 |
Parenting Place Charitable Trust | Attitude Life Skills Programme for Rangitikei/Wanganui Schools in 2019 | $2,300 |
Parkinson's New Zealand - Whanganui | To deliver our Parkinson's Community Educator Service to the Rangitikei | $5,000 |
Project Marton Inc | Staffing Requirements and Initiative Delivery Support | $20,000 |
Rangitikei College | Motor Vehicle - Purchase Van | $29,786 |
Rotary Club of Marton Charitable Trust | Redevelopment of the Marton Memorial Hall playground | $250,000 |
Rotary Club of Marton Charitable Trust | Making Recovery from Irlen Syndrome Accessible (for all) | $10,000 |
Royal New Zealand Foundation Of The Blind Incorporated | Providing outreach support, rehabilitation and life enrichment services | $8,000 |
Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust | Operating expenses including wages for Plunket's Parenting Programme in Rangitikei | $10,000 |
Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Manawatu | SPCA Animal Welfare Inspectorate Costs for Rangitikei District | $4,000 |
Ruahine Kindergarten Association - Bulls Kindergarten | Sunshade in Outdoor Learning Area | $5,000 |
Ruahine Kindergarten Association - Mill Street (Marton) | Outdoor Learning Resources | $5,000 |
Samaritans Manawatu Inc | To enable us to provide a 24/7 caller helpline | $2,000 |
SPELD NZ Inc on behalf of the Whanganui/Manawatu Local Liaison Groups | Increase service capacity, geographic reach, raise awareness Specific learning Disabilities | $5,000 |
St Andrews Presbyterian Church Marton | High Risk Asbestos Removal and remediation of church interior | $69,350 |
St Margaret's Anglican Church | Repainting St Margaret's Church | $30,000 |
St Matthews Catholic School | Complete The Junior Room | $7,000 |
Taihape Area School | TAS Technology Survival | $5,000 |
Taihape Community Development Trust | Organising Gumboot Day 2019 | $3,500 |
Taihape Older and Bolder Inc | Travel expenses for hire of vans | $1,500 |
Taihape Playcentre | Softfall for Safety in our extensive outdoor play area. | $6,000 |
The Young Men's Christian Assocation Central Incorporated | Operating Expenses - Wage Costs | $9,000 |
Turakina primary school | 2 Sun shade /gazebos | $2,619 |
Wanganui Area Neighbourhood Support Groups Inc | Junior Neighbourhood Support trip to Palmerston North in November. | $500 |
Wanganui Foster Care Association Inc | Operating expenses / fieldworker communications & travel expenses/ training / membership support | $2,000 |
Wanganui Group of the Riding for the Disabled Association Inc | To enable 5 Disabled riders from Rangitikei to attend RDA. | $4,500 |
Whangaehu School | Expenses towards learning outside the classroom; development of playground area. | $4,000 |
Youthline Central North Island Incorporated | Youth Counselling & Youthwork facilitator Interactive Youth mental health well-being workshops | $30,000 |
Grand Total
Grand Total | $826,028 |
National Named Charities 2017
Athritis New Zealand | $2,000 |
Autism New Zealand Incorporated | $3,000 |
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand Incorporated | $6,000 |
Louise Perkins Foundation T/A Sweet Louise | $4,000 |
New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Inc. | $3,777 |
NZ Red Cross Society, Rangitikei Branch | $5,000 |
Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind (Blind Foundation) | $10,625 |
Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Inc. | $10,000 |
Total for Category | $44,402 |
Religion 2017
Anglican Parish of Rangitikei | $24,000 |
St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Marton | $15,000 |
Total for Category | $39,000 |
Education 2017
Clifton School Board of Trustees | $1,683 |
Hunterville Bible in Schools | $1,400 |
Huntley School Board of Trustees | $20,000 |
Manawatu (CEC) Trust | $2,500 |
Marton Junction School | $15,240 |
Marton School | $13,077 |
Papanui Junction School | $3,857 |
Playcentre - Mangaweka | $6,540 |
Ruahine Kindergarten Assocation-Bulls Kindergarten | $5,000 |
Ruahine Kindergarten Assocation-Follett Street Kindergarten | $5,000 |
Ruahine Kindergarten Assocation-Mill Street Kindergarten | $5,000 |
Taihape Area School | $5,000 |
Whangaehu School | $3,500 |
Total for Category | $87,797 |
Child & Youth 2017
The Parenting Place - Attitude Youth Division | $2,300 |
Whanganui Unique Children's Support Group | $1,500 |
YMCA Central Inc | $12,500 |
Youthline Central North Island Inc. | $20,000 |
Total for Category | $36,300 |
Aged 2017
Age Concern Wanganui Inc. | $5,000 |
Total for Category | $5,000 |
Health & Disability 2017
Alzheimers Whanganui Incorporated | $2,000 |
Arohanui Hospice Service Trust | $2,445 |
Brain Injury Association Whanganui Incorporated | $4,000 |
Cancer Society of New Zealand Wanganui-Rangitikei-Waimarino Centre | $6,000 |
Counselling Centre Marton Incorporated | $5,000 |
Hospice Whanganui | $2,445 |
Manawatu Multiple Sclerosis Society T/A MS Central Districts | $6,262 |
Parkinsonism Society of NZ (INC) Manawatu Division | $3,000 |
Parkinsonism Society Wanganui Incorporated | $3,000 |
Irlen Syndrome | $15,000 |
Total for Category | $49,152 |
Community & Social Services 2017
Bulls and District Community Trust | $6,000 |
Bulls and Districts Historical Society Inc. | $2,000 |
Bulls Scout & Guide Hall Maintenance Committee | $945 |
Christian Social Services Wanganui - City Mission Wanganui | $2,000 |
Citizens Advise Bureau Whanganui Incorporated | $2,150 |
Family Support Services Whanganui Trust T/A Jigsaw Whanganui | $20,000 |
Marton & Surrounds ICT Hub Charitable Trust | $7,500 |
Marton and Districts Pipe Band and Scottish Society | $4,000 |
Marton Arts and Crafts Centre | $6,000 |
Nga Iwi O Mokai Patea Services Trust | $7,580 |
Project Marton Inc. | $6,000 |
Centennial Park Scooting & Skate Boarding Area | $50,000 |
Samaritans Manawatu Inc | $2,000 |
Taihape Community Development Trust | $6,000 |
Taihape Heritage Trust | $1,656 |
The Taihape & District Historical & Museum Society Incorporated | $2,000 |
Wanganui Foster Care Association Inc | $2,000 |
Total for Category | $127,831 |
Miscellaneous 2017
Marton and District Historical Society | $1,660 |
Rangitikei Active Gym | $7,000 |
Library/Learning Centre Bulls | $200,000 |
Wanganui Collegiate School Museum Trust | $12,500 |
Total for Category | $221,160 |
Grand Total
Grand Total | $610,642 |
Halls & Libraries
Hunterville Town Hall Working Committee - under umbrella of Hunterville Sport and Recreation Trust | $20,000 |
Marton and District Historical Society | $1,680 |
Marton and District Pipe Band and Scottish Society | $15,000 |
St Matthew's Catholic School-Marton | $5,468 |
Total for Category | $42,148 |
National named charities
Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind (Blind Foundation) | $5,000 |
Total for Category | $5,000 |
Anglican Parish of Rangitikei | $29,657 |
St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Marton | $7,650 |
Taihape-Waimarino Presbyterian Church | $15,000 |
Total for Category | $52,307 |
Clifton School Board of Trustees | $5,919 |
Follett Street Kindergarten - Ruahine Kindergarten Association | $7,500 |
Huntley School Board of Trustees | $10,000 |
Marton School | $10,000 |
Mill Street Kindergarten | $7,500 |
Rangitikei College | $12,559 |
Saint Josephs School | $13,030 |
South Makirikiri School | $6,000 |
Turakina School | $20,000 |
Whangaehu School | $3,500 |
Total for Category | $96,008 |
Child & Youth
Lions Club of Marton trustee of the Marton Lions Club Charitable Trust | $15,000 |
SPELADD NZ INC. | $9,600 |
Te Aroha Noa Community Services | $5,000 |
The Parenting Place - Attitude Youth Division | $2,280 |
Wanganui Area Neighbourhood Support Groups Inc. | $700 |
YMCA Central | $20,000 |
Youthline Central North Island Inc. | $15,000 |
Total for Category | $67,580 |
Taihape Older & Bolder Inc. | $1,600 |
The Marton Edale Home Trust Board | $120,000 |
Total for Category | $121,600 |
Health & Disability
Arthritis New Zealand | $839 |
Autism New Zealand Inc. | $3,100 |
Brain Injury Whanganui Association Incorporated | $6,000 |
Counselling Centre Marton Inc. | $15,000 |
Manawatu Multiple Sclerosis Society T/A MS Central Districts | $5,771 |
NZRDA Wanganui Group | $3,000 |
Parkinsonism Society of NZ (INC) Manawatu Division | $6,000 |
Rotary Club of Marton Charitable Trust | $15,000 |
Whanganui Disability Resources Centre | $500 |
Total for Category | $55,210 |
Community & Social Services
Abuse Rape Crisis Support Manawatu | $5,000 |
Age Concern | $5,000 |
Bulls and District Community Trust | $6,000 |
Bulls and Districts Friendship Club Inc | $1,000 |
Bulls and Districts Historical Society Inc. | $1,000 |
Family Support Services Whanganui Trust trading as jigsaw Whanganui | $15,000 |
Marton & Surrounds ICT Hub Charitable Trust | $7,500 |
Marton and Districts Budget Serivce Inc. | $15,000 |
New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Inc. | $3,000 |
Project Marton Incorporated | $6,000 |
Samaritans Manawatu Inc. | $2,000 |
Taihape Community Development Trust | $6,000 |
Taihape Heritage Trust | $5,000 |
Total for Category | $77,500 |
NZ Choral Federation - Manawatu-Whanganui Region | $2,500 |
Rangitikei Active Gym | $6.500 |
Taahuhu Marae | $7,980 |
Total for Category | $16,980 |
Grand Total
Grand Total | $534,333 |