Mr Laurence William Nelson was described as ‘a shrewd businessman’, ‘a dapper, immaculate man’, a man ‘who looked ahead’, and ‘was remarkably astute’. “He enjoyed living and would have liked everyone to have been as careful and prosperous has he was.’
Both Mr Nelson (who died in 1959) and his wife (who died in 1937) had been very sympathetic towards those who found themselves in poor circumstances, especially in old age. By the end of his life Mr Nelson had amassed enough property and investments to generously endow the trust that bears his name. The LW Nelson Trust was settled in 1958. Public Trust was appointed the Trustee with provision for a Board to be known as the L W Nelson Board of Trustees.
The enduring legacy Mr Nelson left to the Northland District so far has given millions to the local communities.
The primary consideration of the Trust is the provision of assistance for persons living in Northland who are:
aged or
destitute or
suffering from some serious disability either mental or physical,
Applicants must be a registered charitable entity.
situated in the Northland Area, within the boundaries of the districts of Kaipara, Whangarei and the Far North.
Grants will be for a minimum of $3,000 and a maximum of $15,000.
Applications must demonstrate how the project/programme provides assistance to the aged, destitute or those suffering from a serious mental or physical disability.
Applications from the following will not be considered:
Applications from organisations who received a grant a prior year that have not met their accountability requirements.
Applications from individuals, sports organisations and service clubs are not eligible to apply to the Trust.
Applications requesting funding for Retrospective funding.
Applications requesting funding for overseas projects.
Applications requesting funding for supporting people outside the Trust funding region
Applications for the contestable grant round open in October on an annual basis, with applicants being notified of the results by the end of February.
Public Trust is responsible for administering the LW Nelson Charitable Trust. Funding applications are received by the Trustee and considered by the LW Nelson Board of Trustees.