T G Macarthy Trust - Contestable Grant Round
Contestable Grant Round
The Thomas George Macarthy Trust calls for applications annually from 1 May - 30 June. Each year the Trustee will advertise in appropriate media inviting organisations from across the Trust’s region (old Wellington provincial district, defined as the area of the North Island which is south of Turangi and excluding Taranaki and Hawke's Bay) to make applications for a grant. View a map of the Trust's region here.
Applications are to be completed online via ‘Smarty Grants’. Applications are received by the Trustee and considered by the Board of Governors at their October /November annual meeting.
The Trust will consider funding charitable organisations, providing services that fall within the “four areas of focus” identified in the Trust’s Mission, to:
Meet operational funding needs including administrative costs and part funding salaries for limited periods;
Deliver social programmes and services to the community;
Support organisational development to improve their capabilities and capacity to serve their communities;
Purchase capital equipment or improvements needed to provide the activity, programme or service.
The Trust’s Mission Statement
To help build strong, inclusive and supportive communities by funding community based, not for profit organisations within the Trust’s region, that:
Improve the quality of life for disadvantaged and marginalised
Help children and young people develop and realise their potential
Look after and provide dignity for older people
Provide essential medical and emergency services
Eligibility of Organisations
Your organisation must be:
Registered with Charities Services or;
A registered incorporated society or;
A school registered with the Ministry of Education
Operating or providing a service within the Trust funding region (old Wellington provincial district, defined as the area of the North Island which is south of Turangi and excluding Taranaki and Hawke's Bay).
Please note:
Grants will be grouped in categories from 1 to 3: (you must select one group only)
Group 1: One-off grants (for equipment purchase / replacement and non-operating expenses, and for operating expenses and or core business services (e.g. social, mentoring, counselling services)) between $5,000 to $10,000 per grant.
Group 2: Grants for Community impact funding (salaries, projects, programmes) for grants between $10,000 to $100,000 per grant. Applications must demonstrate the identified need, how the plan will be implemented being specific (what, why, how, who - working in collaboration may be advantageous) and measurable outcomes. The trust wants to see how the applicant will improve outcomes for the communities it serves.
Group 3: Investment funding which would support capital projects that will facilitate and enable the delivery of new, or the expansion/preservation of existing, community and environmental assets, and larger non-capital projects/programmes. E.g., Investments in social service delivery, social enterprise start-up, etc. with grants between $100,000 and $300,000.
Applications submitted under $5,000 will not be considered.
All funding is GST exclusive.
Only one application from an organisation will be considered.
Any applications with the following circumstances will not be considered:
Incomplete or late applications
Requests for retrospective funding
Accountability requirements from the previous year’s grant have not been met
Any applicant who received funding in the previous year that has not uploaded a receipt for the grant to the SmartyGrants database will not be considered. (Or who has not made alternate arrangements with the Trustee.)
Applications from individuals, sports organisations and service clubs.
Applications requesting funding for overseas projects.
Applications not based in or supporting people within funding region.
Applications submitted under $5,000.
Applicants who are not:
Registered with Charities Services or;
A registered incorporated society or;
A school registered with the Ministry of Education
Application Guidelines
Individuals and service clubs are not eligible for assistance.
All Early Childhood Education, Care Centres and OSCAR programmes must apply under the Early Childhood – Special Grant Round.
Applications for retrospective funding will not be considered.
Applications for religious purposes will only be considered if the organisation provides a full general secular education.
Applications for assistance or promotion of drama, music, arts and crafts will only be considered if they are primarily for educational purposes or public benefit.
Applications from sports organisations will only be considered if they can clearly demonstrate advancement of education or promotion of health, for a significant section of the public.
Applications from controlling bodies are preferred, however, in certain circumstances applications from both a controlling body and branch may be considered.
Applicants are expected to have made endeavours to raise funds independently.
The significance of government funding will be taken into consideration when assessing applications.
Grants for purposes not yet commenced will only be considered if the Board is satisfied that the applicant can achieve the purpose(s) of the grant.
Late applications will not be accepted.
Organisations receiving a grant will be required to:
Upload an official receipt for their Smarty Grants application;
The name of the Trust and the amount of the grant is recorded in their annual accounts (or as a note to the accounts) and/or annual report;
The support of the Trust is included in publicity material whenever appropriate.
The Trustee may request that organisations supply additional information confirming that funds have been utilised as per the application.