The O’Donnell grants are awarded to assist students that reside within the funding area around Palmerston North to advance their education of music, ballet or singing by undertaking study with an appropriate university, polytechnic, school or academy in New Zealand or overseas.
Scholarships will be awarded between $5,000 and $10,000 per year for up to 3 years.
The scholarships are open to individuals who:
are New Zealand born or naturalised citizens,
are a permanent resident living within 30kms of The Square in Palmerston North,
(Click here to find a map showing a map of the grant's target area)
have demonstrated outstanding music, ballet or singing talent in New Zealand, and
are intending to advance their education of music, ballet or singing by undertaking study with an appropriate university, polytechnic, school or academy in New Zealand or overseas within 12 months of the closing date.
The course of study must be for a minimum of one year.
The O’Donnell Trust was established by the late Mrs O’Donnell to give back and offer musicians, ballet dancers and singers from Palmerston North to continue to build on their talents both within New Zealand and overseas (including travel and accommodation expenses). It was a wish of the late Mrs O'Donnell that in making grants, special consideration should be given to underprivileged students.
Applications are invited bi-annually on 1 August and close on 30 September.