If you have any questions that aren't answered here, contact us.
Normally we would look after the estate administration process from start to finish. However, we can review the probate and assist you with your enquiry. Please contact us to see if we can assist.
It depends on what the assets are. While some can be quick, other assets can take a few months to be collected.
When a person has died unexpectedly and the Death Certificate is ‘subject to Coroner’s findings’. Insurers usually wait for the outcome of the coroner’s report before agreeing to pay out a policy.
Public Trust can help you advertise a notice to creditors.
As the Executor, you can make that decision. However, under s35 of the Trustee Act 1956, Executors are personally liable to pay the estate debts unless they have advertised in the newspaper.
The role ends when all distributions are made to the beneficiaries, and all expenses and tax have been paid.
However, distribution to under-age beneficiaries and other ongoing estates is not part of the executor’s duties. This is the duty of the trustee(s).
Unless specified in the Will, the executor does not get paid to do the estate administration.
The law states that should an executor distribute the estate within six months of the date of Probate and a successful claim is made, they can be held personally liable. The choice as to whether they wait the six months or not rests with them.
The executor is personally liable for any claims made on the estate within that six-month period. However, in circumstances where the executor is sure that there will be no claims, the executor may choose to distribute the estate early.
According to Insolvency Act 1967, there is an order of priority that determines which debts are to be paid first.
Yes we can. Please be aware that the process can take weeks, depending on when we get a response from IRD.
If you’d like more information about activating a will, estate administration, or have any other questions, we are here to help. Book an appointment with one of our experts.
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