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Online wills... so easy, you can do it in your slippers.

Learn about online wills at Public Trust.

Create a will online
person sitting on the couch doing their will online at computer
person sitting on the couch doing their will online at computer

Argh... lockdown! You’ve watched all of Netflix, eaten way too much home-baking and walked around the block a million times. What else is there to do?

We’re glad you asked because, if you’re like 52% of all NZ adults – it’s high time you got around to doing your will. And here’s the good news: You can write one online quickly, easily and affordably with Public Trust.


Meet Chris and Claire, our Live Chat support team.

Who better to explain the ins and outs of online wills than Public Trust’s customer support team? Chris and Claire are both qualified Trustees, with years of experience helping Kiwis put their wills together. So, we put a few video call questions their way...

Create your will or EPA today

Simply sign up to Public Trust Online today to browse our online tool, and only pay once your will and/or Enduring Power of Attorney documents are ready.

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