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What our community says: Kerry-Ann updated her will to help protect her blended family

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Kerry-Ann picture - what our community says

Kerry-Ann works as a funeral celebrant and says she’s experienced what can happen when people do not have a will in place, especially when it comes to their funeral.

“It was important that it wasn’t confusing for our family, when either or both of us died. We have four kids between us and a growing number of grandchildren. My husband and I have different wishes in terms of our children, so it was really important for us to get our questions answered too.”


As for starting the discussions in her family about wills, death and the future, Kerry-Ann says, “It’s a bit of an unnerving conversation.”

Her tips to others considering getting a will? “Just get started online. It will help you get thinking about it, and think about what’s important to you. Even reading about it is very helpful.”

Making a will

Making a plan for what happens after you die is the best way to help ensure that the people and things you love are looked after. It’s easy to create your will with Public Trust and can make the process of managing your passing less stressful for your family.

Create your will or EPA today

Simply sign up to Public Trust Online today to browse our online tool, and only pay once your will and/or Enduring Power of Attorney documents are ready.

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